Recent downtime – an update gone totally wrong.

Hello everyone, we are dearly sorry for the recent downtime lasting a day+. The reason behind this is a phpBB3 update gone wrong, messing up the entire server’s database. 3 Separate databases we’re corrupted. The forums, the WordPress and it even messed with the servers database. It corrupted every data we had. This was due to a forum update gone wrong.

But that’s not the bad news, the good news is that the forums and WordPress we’re successfully restored from daily backups with no data lost yet there was an issue with the KCNR server’s database. The corruption was so severe that we have to restore your data back to 13 AUGUST 2014

Your score will be refunded, the admin team will be helping everyone individually with this.

Everything exactly has not been lost!

Your vehicle, businesses and groups (people who have made groups after the restoration date might have those groups lost) haven’t been lost. Now see, the reason behind this is that the corrupt was so weird that not every part of the database was lost. This only damaged majority of the database.

Precautions we are making to prevent weird issues like this in the future:

  1. An improved KCNR database backup system.

What we are doing to fix this terribly mistake is:

  1. Restoring your data based on your recent pictures.
  2. Giving everyone a complementary 1m when you make your refund thread.

I take all blame for this, I was the one who insisted on forcing the update upon the server. Again, I am dearly sorry for this mistake gone bad.

Version 17 – The Perfect Reign

Version 17 has changed the way players look at Kar’s Cops And Robbers. Version 17 is indeed a milestone to never forget. The drastic improvements in this version have shown off KCNR to another level.

The following is an overview of what was added over the period of Version 17:

New vehicle locking system
SWAT Abseiling
Turf Wars
Massive Inventory Update (Item Using feature)
Item permit system
Business updates (Improved business security, etc)
San Andreas Customs number plate changing (plates save now)
San Andreas Customs vehicle painting
Menu Header design updated
New interactive taser
Stun gun addition to the taser
Additional gameplay options
Added Station Wagons to the Autobahn
Deluxe Donator released
Overhauled Bribing
Overhauled Pet Dyes
Revamped the (Weed) Plant system
Music Audio Streaming
Inside Track buildings
ATMs revamped
Petrol Bottle -> Jerrycan
Relocated the Roca Escalante’s Bank
Updated arresting
Law Enforcement refill updated
New player cooldown system
Improved robbery cooldown system
Improved ban system
Improved robbery system
Improved taxi / driver system
Delay feature
Synced vehicle tyre popping
Smoother registration for new players
Added Jizzy’s pleasure domes and Hashbury Tattoo Parlour
New possibilities to evade arrests
Weather system updates
Fixed MANY game bugs and gramatical issues

E-Mail issues

Dear KCNR users,

Lately we have had quite a few e-mail issues for registering on the forum. These issues are now resolved for gmail. Hotmail SHOULD be resolved within 48 hours. We do not know about Yahoo though.

Kind regards,

KCNR administration


Update: should work now (and other microsoft emails)

Welcome TWO long awaited features to KCNR!

Hey everyone, how is summer going for you? Well, I do not know much about you and I hope you all are having a great summer here and outside of KCNR but I can tell you one thing. This summer is going to bring to you all your awaited features! This is just the beginning!

  1. Have you been hit by that nasty IRS or Bank Statement message while your deep down into some kind of menu? Maybe you we’re waiting some help messages or looking at a player’s information then BOOM, you are forced to read your tax information! Well say goodbye to this, because here comes the Delay feature. No longer will this menu be FORCED upon you, but now it will only be brought up if you aren’t doing anything! If you close your last menu then this menu will pop up. If you quit while on a menu, then when you get back in-game it will pop up.
  2. How’s that on for size? Oh now you’re gonna love this bad boy. Let me get started, not long ago did KCNR import vehicle paint from Liberty City’s Autosports. San Andreas is now going to get so colourful it’s not funny! You wanna try some colours? Welome all of SA-MP’s 256 vehicle colours to San Andreas customs!

Guess what? Since we are celebrating KCNR’s first name change birthday on August 1st 2014 (We changed our name on August 1st 2013). VEHICLE PAINT IS FREE (This offer will expire after a limited period of time).


Vehicle Color Selection

Quick Links

We have added a few quick links.

The following links have been added:

  • – Redirects to KCNR’s Twitter
  • – Redirects to KCNR’s Facebook Page
  • – Redirects to KCNR’s YouTube channel
  • – Redirects to DigitalOcean’s website, the host of KCNR
  • – Redirects to BlackBerry messenger
  • – Lets you play KCNR instantly.
  • – Lets you join TeamSpeak instantly
  • – Lets you join TeamSpeak instantly
  • – Lets you listen to the radio instantly
  • – Sends you to the SWAT forum board
  • – Sends you to the Complaints forum boards
  • – Sends you to the Bugs forum boards
  • – Sends you to the Suggestions forum boards
  • – Sends you to the Banned forum boards


Happy Birthday KCNR!


Hey everyone, I bet you didn’t know KCNR’s birthday has passed in this month! The 9th of May, 2014. KCNR originally started on this day 2010. Thank you all for your continual support at KCNR. This is a month of joy and surprise, massive new features are going to be announced soon! (Sneak peak: Better get ready for new weapons that will be introduced to KCNR (The spade)! This weapon will be heavily used by the potheads!)

Donate Today!

On a side note: All media and links have been fixed throughout the website posts / blogs.

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter everyone!

The server now has the annual Easter update on-going for a week or two! Admins will do increased events with special prizes and more.

In other news the SA-MP’s security has recently been improved alot and we have upgraded the server to keep our security level up to date. We will also be improving KCNR’s security over the next few days or so. The website has also been improved with performance and functionality.

Recent script updates have improved the server’s functionality and everything is moving along smoothly. Thank you everyone for your continual support at KCNR. You motivate us to continue this server. KCNR will be here for a very long time, even if things go rough we will never give up.

Remember to Donate to KCNR to help us support the server on it’s ongoing flowering of success.

Also, before I end, don’t forget to create your KCNR promotional video and send it into us for review! Rewards are being given for 1st, 2nd and 3rd! See here to check it out!

Website issues and move

The website has now been moved. It’s currently back online after a few days of downtime due to our previous host. At this moment the forums are not available untill the domain issue is resolved with them. Please bear with us while we wait for this issue to get resolved.

Update 07-04-2014: Forums are up as well! They can be found on: