Well, it seems like San Andreas Customs has once again upgraded their stock with reinforcements this time! Below is a picture that shows how these new reinforcements work.
Now at SAC, you may purchase 5 Armour upgrades, from levels 1-5. In the picture, the camper had no Armour upgrades and took 30 shots of an mp5 and you can see that it neared death from just 30 shots! Now look at the sultan, with a level 5 Armour upgrade taking 30 shots of mp5 ammo! DAMN that’s a massive improvement huh? Armour upgrades are worth it and San Andreas Customs welcomes you all to purchase this upgrade. It saves and loads just like any other SAC Modification. *note this armour upgrade only lowers BULLET damage and not collision damage*.

Oh, did I mention that you need score to unlock Armour upgrades? Yes! Each upgrade is unlocked with an achievement. 10000 score unlocks level 5 Armour upgrade, that’s all I’m saying!
Here I attempted to host a very cool low rider event, but sadly it died due to my internet slowing down dearly causing me to not see anything in-game but pure pause icons 🙁

The Halloween event is now officially over.
KCNR is on the look out for new admins! Over the past weeks of my inactivity, (I am now active again) I have noticed the decreased in admin activity in-game. This is not healthy. We will be experimenting over the next few weeks.
The KCNR map goes for a live beta test! Yipppie! Long awaited map feature is finally here! You may few the map by clicking here. Please report any bugs to Peter at his forum thread! There will be an official link on the website sooner or later when the beta test is over and it’s ready for the full release!
Version 18 is in full forced development! Great new things are coming to KCNR! You’ve already seen a few things implemented, SAC armour upgrades, improved Visual Contacts, Major crime system revamp, improved jail system and more! Right now I’m looking into how can I make cop vs criminal chases more interactive by using the new visual contact feature! Version 18 is heading down the right road with all those bugs squashed!

Just look at all those bug fixes and there are more to come!
Your refunds all will be processed, please stop spamming me about refunds ingame, on the forums and on IRC! The admin team are doing the best to get your stats back (Clothes may not be refunded, I’m sorry)! Especially with the lack of admins right now, it’s sorta hard!
In other news SA-MP 0.3z r2 has been released and this fixes issues with users with fairly new intel graphics card having troubles seeing health bars in SA-MP! If you have this issue, please update here!
I’ve noticed an increase in videos on Youtube over the past month, thanks guys! KCNR needs more advertising and we should all work on that as a community!
The hosted list is something KCNR lacked for a month or two, this decreased the player count for awhile, right now the hosted list is back and I can already see an increase in the player base. We are lacking donations here, not many people tend to see the need to donate. The price of the hosted list has risen. I paid for it with my own money, that’s ok. We’re not in a crises or anything. Just please remember to keep on donating to KCNR as we need your donations in order to continue running!