Hey everyone, today marks an important update that will change the server drastically. A lot of bugs have been fixed recently but we’re happy to announce Clandestine Chemistry! The location of these drug labs are located at .
This means that there are FIVE new illicit drugs in KCNR which are:
- Ecstasy
- Cocaine
- Methamphetamine
- Heroin

In other news:
- SA-MP 0.3z is in RC Development Stage! Post your suggestions for KCNR in this thread!
- The server rules have been cleared up.
- San Andreas Customs has imported a massive wheels inventory.
- Roof Scoops cannot be added at this time due to SA-MP client limitations (crashes)
- All new drugs have been updated all around the server except for house storage at the moment, drug points, /givedrugs, /takedrugs, /search etc are updated to fit the update.

Hum, Dont like the new update untill now, Because you earn no profit with the New Drugs, I spent 200k Doing the Drugs and the money i earned from selling it rounded 109k