Hello everyone! Sorry for the lack of website updates. We just want to update you on the new template we’ve added. It’s so much easier to make posts and edit the website now! Please enjoy and report any bugs on the forums! Alot has happened over the past few months! We’ve lost 3 administrators (Anthony, Forcezx and ONX) but that isn’t going to hold us back, right? Updates are coming soon, we don’t like to wait an entire year to give you a major update! Please don’t forget to follow us on Twitter and check out the Twitter on the side bar to the right (->) to see all of our latest tweets!
New website features:
Post comments
Post categories (version related update posts will be in that category)
Find the other stuff by yourself! ๐ย
Is that a emoticon? ^ย
In other News related to donations:
ALL donations are now done through Paypal. We’ve been trying to find a way for mobile donations, if we’ve found any we’ll surely notify you guys about it.
A new donation page with all the information you need. (Click Here)
In other News related to the server:
We’ve been working hard on updating the server and fixing all possible known bugs. Version 14.5 has been a whooper at things!
Here’s a little sneak peek on what we’ve been working on in version 15!

Now I bet your all jumping up and down when you saw that, but don’t get any wrong ideas there! It’s not what you think!
Test out the new features by posting some comments below!
Why did I click on the bottom link and expect to be replying to the newest ยฏ__ยฏ
(please remove that one)
This site looks more professional than the old one. I also like that banner, nice work Forcezx :D! Good luck with those new additions and bugfixes, keep up the good work.
Kent_BoBo will soon donate twice to you and rumors say Vitaliy is opening his wallet for you too ๐
Woah xD looks like its a mechanic skill. I specially thank on behalf of all the lvcnr
Players to you admins for actually turning it to something which seems to be quite interesting
I can’t wait for this to be released !!!
All the updates that i have been able to see from version 11 when i first joined are looking better and better !!
All your website are belong to us!
Great job, Kar, Forcezx and anyone else working on this.
*Clap clap clap*
On October 3, thirty high socohl students from Mount Si’s Key Club visited the homes of two elderly folks in North Bend. Armed with gloves, garden tools, and determination ..they set out to offer assistance to these homeowners where the labor had simply become too big an obstacle. The students split and stacked firewood, trimmed overgrown bushes and hedges, brought garden beds back to objects of beauty, raked leaves, and filled an enormous trailer with discarded and rotting lumber that was taken to the dump. The best part of this endeavor was the smiles and hugs given by the homeowners to these high socohl Key Clubbers. That so many showed up at their homes to Pay it Forward was overwhelming and one of the most heart-warming experiences I have seen. Way to go Mount Si Key Club!
I couldn’t wait for v14 to come out and now I can’t wait for v15! Very good work Kar!
Finally this has a bit of a make over and that sneak peek looks kike a mechanic class to me :>
Server is growing bigger and bigger ever since i joined (Jan-Mar 2012). Amazing work Kar, this server is going to be amazing! Great work on the website for all people that have worked on the website!
Nice nice …. I look forward to the mechanic class …. Gj man gj…
Kiding me? With all you done you think you will be unbanned? keep dreaming pall
Hope the server continues to grow victorious! ๐
Like Kar said… “Now I bet your all jumping up and down when you saw that, but donโt get any wrong ideas there! Itโs not what you think!”
Now of course you’re all thinking ‘Mechanical Skill/Class’, but is that what it really is? You’re jumping to conclusions and are already thanking him for the Mechanic class… xD
I think we all might be surprised when it’s true reasoning is revealed. Perhaps it’s a certain class that gets hired to plant carbombs in other player’s cars, and if the target is killed, they get a reward, much like a hitman. Of course, nobody can tell exactly what it is, except people who actually helped develop it, like Kar himself.
Another version, another success, another surprise, another year of great moments.
Why do all nice updates happen when i’m out of range of Internet (._. ) ?
nice ๐
I love it when I see you in-game, you’re always sending me useless PM’s and are getting yourself in trouble with the other players constantly :P.
Yea, one day, on apocalypse, an admin will probably unban you, so you can enjoy the game on the last day of Earth on your original account.
Great work!